





                                            Pepper maggot on hot cherry pepper




                                                                               Pepper maggot adult (Penn State file photo)




                                                                                                            Pepper plant with bacterial spot



                                       Pepper fruit with secondary fungus, Alternaria, growing on sunscalded area




                                                                                    Pepper with European corn borer (center of picture)





                                                                                        Pepper with phytophthora fruit rot




                                                                                   Pepper with edema on the leaf, caused by rapid water uptake in humid weather



                        Pepper plant with phytophthora blight (in wet soil area)




                                                                               Pepper fruit with post-harvest disease-- probably phytophthora




                                                                                                                      Pepper plant with triazine herbicide injury symptoms



                                     Pepper with bacterial leaf spot