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Fruit Trees

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 11 months ago

 Fruit Trees








                      Apple grain aphid





                                                                             Apple leaf miner





                                                                                          Apple measles on bark caused by low soil pH that induces either excessive manganese levels or deficient boron levels.





                 Prune plum with Boron deficiency




                                                                                Fire blight of pear and apple













                                                                 Spotted tentiform leafminer on apple tree





                                                                                                                  Spotted tentiform leafminer mines on apple leaf





                                                                 Stink bug probing on pear fruit





    Spirea aphids on apple trees are not exremely prolblematic





                                                                   Nitrogen deficiency on fruit trees causing leaf drop.





Apple bitter rot on fruit





                                                                                                                                     Fungal fruitApple bitter rot (Glomerella) close up                                                                                                                                          




                                   Apple bitter rot on leaf




                                                                                                                                                   Apple bitter rot on fruit



                        Apple with European red mite on leaf




                                                                                                                                       Apple fruit tree leaf roller



 Apple calcium deficiency appears as slightly sunken round blemishes, more numerous at blossom end.




                                                                                                                               Apple cold temperature injury at fruit set




                                Apple bitter rot caused by glomerella fungus




                                                                                                                              Apple hail damage to young fruit



                                    Apple damaged by plum curculio




                                                                                                 Apple with fruit russeting caused by crop protection chemicals



                           Apple fruit with frost damage




                                                                                                Pear with phytotoxic ring caused by crop protection chemicals



         Cherry tree trunk with sunken canker probably due to winter injury



                                                                                          Sweet Cherry leaves showing severe nitrogen deficiency, possibly indicating trunk or root damage.









                                                           Peach shoot showing serious nitrogen deficiency, possibly indicating root or trunk injury.







                          Cherry tree trunk rot which caused tree decline




                                                                                            Cherry fruit abortion at 4 weeks caused by cold temperature or chemicals



                     Cherry stunt and leaf roll possibly caused by a virus




                                                                                                           Cherry wood rot caused by Milk-white Toothed Polypore fungus



                                Cherry wood rot fungus




                                                                                                              Apple fire blight



                       Peach tree trunk with cytospora canker




                                                                                                                                  Peach with bacterial leaf spot



 Peach tree limb showing brown Cytospora canker infection, which has been excised back to healthy tissue




                                                                                                                  Peach leaf with chemical phytotoxicity



            Peach tree die-back from planting too deeply




                                                                                                                    Peach tree foliar toxicity







                                                                                                    Pear fruit with stony pit virus damage on fruit



 Plum tree branch with black knot lesion.  Cherry trees are also susceptible. 



                                                         Plum blossoms damaged by frost 10 days before full bloom



                                  Prunus stem pitting virus symptoms at the bud union




                                                                                    Apple leaf necrosis from unknown cause-- possibly dormant oil or other crop protection chemical 



 Apple branch cankering and die-back of unknown causes-- possibly virus or graft incompatibility; secondary colonization by black rot and white rot fungi







Cherry Leaf Spot (fungal conidia on lower leaf surface)











 Cherry Leaf Spot defoliation in mid-summer



 European Fruit Lecanium Scale





 Bacterial Spot on leaves and resulting of cracks on fruits.








Fire Blight of apple and pear





Prunus Stem Pitting caused by Tomato Ringspot Virus on peach






Peach Canker caused by fungus Cytospora.



Stony Pit Virus of Pear




European Apple Sawfly (oviposition scar)





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